Moderating is the subset of governing that structures participation in a community to facilitate cooperation and prevent abuse.
- Grimmelmann, J. (2015). The virtues of moderation. Yale JL & Tech., 17, 42.
- Seering, J. (2020). Reconsidering Community Self-Moderation: the Role of Research in Supporting Community-Based Models for Online Content Moderation. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact, 3.
- Chandrasekharan, E., et al (2018). The Internet’s hidden rules: An empirical study of Reddit norm violations at micro, meso, and macro scales. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(CSCW), 1-25.
- Sheldrake, P. (2021). Community Moderating — Bringing Our Best. Ethereum World blog.
- Sheldrake, P. (2021). Two Concepts of Liberty and Infinite Permutations of Moderating. Ethereum World blog.